Monday, April 18, 2011

growing up

As I enter new chapters, I am forced to say good-bye to certain people in my life.  Sometimes, cutting these ties feels liberating.  Sometimes, I'm disappointed that they're not growing and changing with me.  It's a bittersweet ending: I'm motivated to be achieving my goals, and it can be sad that friends who were so supportive of me in the past can't stick by me in this new phase.

But every time, I'm grateful for the time I had with them, and I'm excited for the new relationships to come.  Occasionally, I even get the chance to reconnect with people because our paths have become more similar as time as marched forward.

To those who I've said good-bye to recently: thank you for the memories.  Thank you for the laughter.  And thank you for holding my hand when I needed a little extra stability.  Hopefully, I'll see you again soon.

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